Services – Brantford Musicians Association

Our Services

Local and Federation sponsored booking/referral services:

Local 467 assists potential live music purchasers in the Brantford area to find the right artist or group for their party, wedding, festival, corporate function or any other event that requires live music. In addition, the AFM provides an international on-line referral service (free of charge to all members and potential purchasers) that is quickly becoming one of the largest Internet resources of its kind.

Signatory Booking Agents:

The AFM maintains an on-line list of franchised booking agents for the US and Canada. It is also available in booklet form by contacting Local 467 or the AFM. These agents are signatories to the AFM’s Booking Agent Agreement which sets standards for legally enforceable contracts specifying negotiated fees, working conditions, and commissions.

Exclusive Member Services:

AFM GoPro Music – Your Single Source For Live Music – Dowload members music or upload your music here
AFM GoPro Music on MySpace – Add us as a friend!
AFM GoPro Lessons – Learn From a Pro – Play Like a Pro
AFM GoPro Auction – Members’ Buy & Sell
AFM GoPro Hosting – Professional Web Hosting Services

Immigration Assistance:

The AFM is an international union representing professional musicians in both the United States and Canada. On behalf of its members who accept gigs across the border, the Federation works with the governments of both countries to cut through the hassle of “red tape” usually associated with obtaining work visas in either location. This assistance is available for both US and Canadian musicians. There are specialized Canadian and US forms, both formats conform to the laws of the individual countries, are easy to complete, and provide comprehensive legal protection for either single engagement or touring dates.

Claims on Default:

In the event a purchaser defaults on payment to members for an engagement, Local 467 and/or the AFM will work to resolve the dispute between the parties administratively. Should this prove unsuccessful, the member/leader will be given the opportunity to authorize the Local and/or Federation to pursue the claim through a variety of legal methods.

Pension Fund:

 Pension Welfare Fund (Canada) was established primarily as a result of collective bargaining between employers and the American Federation of Musicians. The Plan provides: Normal Pension, Early Pension, Disability Pension and Pre-retirement Death Benefits. The Fund presently has assets in excess of $550 Million.

Negotiated Agreements:

International, national and local agreements covering all types of musical work ensure fair and timely payments as well as benefits and royalties (where applicable) for the reuse and new use of music recorded under these agreements.

Legal Contracts:

A signed AFM contract offers you protection for individual engagements, steady engagements, and traveling work. The AFM has a standard form contract that all members are entitled to use. It contains the AFM seal and when properly filled out and filed with the Local, it allows the local officer to help collect payments in the case of a default. Forms are available for download from the AFM’s and this website, or at the Local 467 office.

A.F.M. Mastercard:

The A.F.M. Mastercard offers special rates, travel insurance benefits, and a special payment provision. Contact the Local 467 office for details.

Legislative Representation:

The AFM is actively involved at the national, provincial and local levels, advocating and lobbying for legislation that benefits the lives of working musicians including public funding for the arts, “Status of the Artist”, special tax considerations for musicians, copyright, and intellectual property laws.

International Musician Free Subscription:

The International Musician is the official journal of the AFM. Published monthly and sent to all members, this informative newspaper delivers articles of current interest to professional musicians, such as educational resources, labour news, as well as audition notices and help wanted ads. The International Musician is also available online, beginning the first of each month, in the private members area of the AFM website. Members may also search online through past issues in the International Musician archives.

Equipment Insurance:

Only you know the value of your instruments and equipment. Just think of the amount of money it would take to replace them. Most homeowner’s and renter’s insurance is not enough to protect you from loss, theft, or damage on location. The AFM provides access to an “All-Risk” Musical Instrument and Equipment Insurance Plan. Your instruments and music-related equipment are protected from vandalism, breakage, water, fire, lightning, and theft up to the full replacement value. If you are employed full-time, freelance, work out of your home, or are self-employed, this insurance protects the large investment you’ve made in your equipment.

Musicians’ Liability Insurance:

This policy provides up to $1,000,000 for each occurrence and up to $2,000,000 of aggregate coverage for lawsuits arising out of bodily injury and/or damage to property of others, occurring on or off premises during your performance. Also, since no two AFM members have the same needs, the AFM Insurance is designed to fit your unique specifications. This plan offers quality, economical insurance, made available to you through AFM group buying power.

Travel Health Insurance:

When you are working or out of the Province where you reside, this policy cover all of your hospital and medical expenses by the “direct pay method.” The insurance company will pay directly to the hospital or doctor as opposed to you paying first, submitting the bill to the insurance and then being reimbursed. Coverage is on an annual basis, and although the maximum length per trip is 60 days, the number of trips per year is unlimited. This insurance coverage is available at a cost which is considerably less than policies issued by other travel health plans.

A Collective Voice:

It is only through the combined efforts of members that Local 467 and the AFM are able to better the position of musicians in our society. As a collective unit, we not only have a strong voice in collective bargaining and government lobbying, but anywhere that musicians work. As a member, you will have a voice in deciding our collective future.

Working with Members & Non Members

By Garry Munn

Working in today’s world as a musician is difficult at best. We have so many problems to overcome and deal with. Then there is the problem of the bands that want to use you, but they don’t belong to “The Union”. Now the problem is yours to deal with. You must decide if you should stay an AFM member, or should you work in a band with non-members. We know that as an AFM/CFM member, the bylaws say you are not to work with non-members. Remember your “Oath of Obligation” that you swore to uphold the AFM bylaws when you joined.

When you are offered a gig by a non-member group, are you supposed to turn it down and see someone else get the gig? Lose the money that should have been yours because you decide to be a good member? The answer is simple, NO! We can work it out.

This is a matter that caused me a great deal of concern while I was President. I wanted to find a way for our members to cash in and play the gigs they were being offered and having to turn down by non-member bands. I researched the bylaws and found that if I could write a resolution and present it to the Convention Resolutions Committee and then get it passed by the delegates, we could do it. I went to work on a resolution and with the aid of our Canadian Office and a few other members, I drafted a proposal. It took two conventions to get it passed, but as of the 2007 convention we can work with non-members if we follow the rules.

The rules are fairly simple and any member can do it. You must getthe leader of the non-member band to agree to and sign an AFM standard form contract hiring your services. On this contract they become the purchaser and you become the Leader of you (the same as any single does). You must also charge the correct “Leaders Fee” for the jurisdiction that the gig is in. This information can be obtained either from our office or the areas local office. The contract must be filed with the local in the gigs jurisdiction prior to the engagement. On this contract, you are a single performer hired to fill a position. You now are working under a contract and are privileged all of the AFM services and protections. One very important item to remember is, you cannot be the leader of this band, do the booking of the dates and you cannot contract other musicians. You must also acquire a contract for each non-union gig you are to work on, or if you are being hired to work on several gigs with the same band, you can put all those dates on the one contract.

An important part of this contracting is, if the leader of the band defaults or cancels, he is responsible to pay you. You can also file your pension contributions (if you belong to Musicians Pension Fund of Canada). Your gigs you play under these contracts are all recognized by the AFM as legit gigs. This is another way that your dues are working for you.